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Chess teaching techniques

Chess is a mental sport for which concentration is one of the main factors. But if you are interested in chess, you can learn and practice to become a professional. It is always possible to learn chess. This game is one of the most popular games in the world. Beginning of professional chess training for beginners 1. Open the chess board. 2. Learn the movement of the vertebrae. 3. Read about specific rules. 4. Learn who should move first. 5. Learn the rules of winning. 6. Learn basic strategies. 7. Learn other chess-related games. In this section, we will explain each of the above steps. How to arrange the chessboard? When we open the chessboard, each player has several black and white squares in front of him. Chess pieces are always arranged according to the same rule, and the second row must be filled with soldiers. We start from the corner and place the two faces in the corners on both sides, then the horse, then the two elephants, and then the king and the minister. The white king must be on the black square, the black king must be on the white square, and the minister must be on the remaining square. How do chess pieces move?

Each of the six different chess pieces moves differently. The pieces cannot pass the other, and they cannot occupy the place of another piece; if one of the pieces is out of the game, they can take its place. Pieces can move to defend themselves. How king move in chess in the game? The king is the most critical piece in the game but the weakest. The king piece can only move one house but in any direction. Up, down, right and left or zigzag. The king should be kept from the game as much as possible, and when the king has no defense, it is called Kish.

How to move the minister in the game? The minister is the most powerful piece, and he can move in any direction, and even if he goes through the house, he cannot pass the piece in front of him. The queen can be attacked like any other piece in the game, and below, you can see how the white queen knocks out the black queen and then the black king is forced to move.

How to move the face in the game? Rokh can move to as many houses as he wants, but the point is that he is only allowed to move forward, backward, left and right. Faces are robust vertebrae and can play an essential role in caring for other vertebrae.

How to move the elephant in the game? The bishop can move as many houses as he wants, but he only has the right to move diagonally, with the condition that the bishop must only be in a house the same color as himself, and he must only stay in that color. How should we move the horse in the game? Horses are slightly different from other pieces; they must travel two houses in the same direction, and their movement must be L-shaped. Horses are the only vertebra that can pass over other vertebras. How to move the soldiers? The movement of the soldiers is unusual, and they can only move forward but be attacked sideways. The soldiers only have to move forward one house, but they are only allowed to move two houses in the first move and to attack the soldiers, you only have to attack sideways and forward, and they can never turn back. How to win in chess? There are many ways to win a chess game, including checkmate, checkmate, checkmate, retirement, error, etc. How to kill the other party? The purpose of playing is to Kish and checkmate the opponent, which happens when the king becomes Kish and cannot save himself. There are three ways to save the king from Kish: • Take it out of the kish state and move it. • Close the Kish way with another bead. • Attack the piece that killed the king. If the king cannot escape checkmate, the game is over, and the king can never be kicked out. Some basic rules and strategies in the game of chess .Four simple rules in the game that every person should know:

Watch out for the king Move the king to safer parts of the game, and no matter how close you are to checkmate your opponent, you must be careful not to checkmate your king at the last moment. Do not throw out the nuts Keep beads carefully because each bead is valuable and can play a role in Kish and matting. Soldier value 1 Horse worth 3 Elephant worth 3 The face of value 4 Minister of Value 9 King of infinite value Control Chess Center You have to pay attention to the center of the game and the pieces, and by taking care of the center of the game, you are allowed to move more and have a higher opportunity to attack. Use all the beads: It is better to put more pieces into the game and increase your chance of movement and decrease the opponent's, which will give you more opportunity to attack the minister. Increase your skill by increasing the number of games: One of the most important things that make you an expert in this game is the high frequency of the game. It doesn't matter if you play this game at home with friends, family members, or online; your skills will increase in both modes. The value of the beads: The value of chess pieces is as follows… Minister value: 9 points (worth as much as 9 soldiers) Face value: 5 points (worth as much as 5 soldiers) Elephant value: 3 points (worth as much as 3 soldiers) Horse value: 3 points (worth as much as 3 soldiers) Soldier value: 1 point Symbol and written form of beads: Pieces in chess are represented by unique letters. The letters of the beads are as follows... Soldier (in English: Pawn) with a P symbol Horse (in English: Knight) with N symbol Elephant (in English: Bishop) with the symbol B Rook (in English: Rook) with the symbol R Minister (in English: Queen) with the Q symbol Shah (in English: King) with the symbol K

Draw in chess A chess game sometimes does not end with one side winning, but the result may be a draw. 5 reasons for the game to be tied are: • Players agree to draw. • There are not enough pieces on the chessboard to checkmate. • Repeat a specific position for the beads 3 times. • Make 50 consecutive moves, but no player moves his soldiers or removes the opponent's pieces from the game. • The position of the pieces should be brought to a situation where a player's turn comes, but his king is not in the king position and no other moves can be made for his other pieces. Basic tactics Teaching basic chess tactics prevents any mistakes and is necessary for everyone. En prize Taking an opponent's defenseless piece is one of the most basic tactics we call en-prize. Anthems To limit the movement and displacement of the opponent's pieces, there is a widespread tactic called Achemz, in which a piece attacks the opponent's piece, which, if the opponent's piece is moved, turns its piece into a valuable opponent's piece behind it. For example, if there is a king behind the opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is not allowed to move anywhere, and this type of chess is called "absolute chess." Fork Sometimes a piece like a horse can attack two opponent pieces. In such a case, a fork is created. For example, if the horse is in a position to attack the king and minister, the king is forced to move to a safe house, and the horse can hit the minister. Skewer In the Sikh tactic, when an inside piece attacks a valuable opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is forced to move, and the inside piece can hit the back piece of the opponent's piece. For example, if a rook gives a kish to the opponent's king and the opponent's minister is behind it, the king is forced to move, and the rook can hit the opponent's minister. Special moves There are special moves in chess that are against the rules of chess, but knowing them, you can play an exciting game on your pieces. Castle The movement of the castle speeds up the game and helps the defense. In this move, Shah and Rukh can move at the same time. The king moves two houses towards Rukh, and Rukh comes to the other side of the king. It is impossible to move the castle in the following situations: • If the king has moved before making a move. • If the face is moved before performing the movement. • There should be pieces between the king and the face on the chess board. • The king or the houses of the place where the king passes are in the state of Kish. Conditions and requirements Conditions are necessary to perform this move, and going to the castle is not allowed if there is a conflict between them. • There should not be a bone between the king and the face. • They should not have moved before completing the castle of Shah and Rukh. • It should not be Kish during the castle of the king. • The crossing route of Qala Shah and Rokh should not be in the Kish situation. This time A passan is a special move in chess where the pawn can beat the opponent's pawn under special rules. If a soldier moves two spaces forward in his first move and makes this move precisely on the side square of the opponent's pawn, the opponent's pawn can throw him out of the game. The soldier must be in the square behind the piece that has moved two spaces forward, then that piece is removed. The movement of that pass must be done immediately after you and the opponent's soldiers are together, and if you move another piece, that pass is no longer allowed. The invention of this move in chess dates back to the 15th century when the rules of that time were such that the soldier could not move two squares forward in his first move. By adding the rule that the soldier can move two squares forward in his first move, this passage was also added to the chess rules. Development The soldier can become a more potent nut. If the soldier moves forward on the field so much that he reaches the back of the chess row where the opponent's king is located and can become any piece, this movement is called progress. Rating The strength of each chess player is determined by a point called rating. This number is determined based on the official games played by each player. Teaching chess to children In response to your question about sports and physical fitness, chess is helpful for every person in terms of spirit and personality, and in a way, chess is considered the mother of sports. Chess is a mental game requiring strategy and tactics that proper training and more studies can make you a good chess player. Chess knows no age. You can play at any age. If you want your child to become responsible and find the strength to accept his mistakes, it is better to introduce him to chess. Do not rush your child to learn chess. Start with simple movements and only go to simple movements for a while. Six or seven-year-olds and even some four or five-year-olds can learn chess.

To learn chess, go to the chess classes held under the supervision of the federation and determine the level. Chess has three levels: amateur, intermediate and advanced; each level has its training and tactics. The best book to start amateur and intermediate chess is Maisel.

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