Diamond is a transparent crystal made of pure carbon and the hardest natural substance on the planet. This gemstone is precious, and due to its hardness and high level of scattering and light emission, it has been considered a valuable gem for centuries.
Diamond crystals have been formed from 99% pure carbon in the depths of the earth due to volcanoes under very high pressure and high-temperature conditions since 45 million years ago.
There are only 4 regions in the world where diamond mines are known. The number of mines that limit diamond production work on them. One of these continents is Africa, and diamond mines are located in Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Lesotho.
Asian mines are also located in Russia and India. Canada and the United States of America currently have American activities in the northern mines of the United States, and they are making diamonds in different places. Crater of Diamonds State Park is one of the rare examples of non-commercial diamond mines in Arkansas, USA.
In the distant past, some people considered diamonds to be the source of courage and bravery, and carrying them was a reason for happiness. Even in ancient times, they used diamond powder as medicine.
Do you know Kohinoor diamond? The Kohinoor diamond was taken away by the British East India Company and adorned the crown of Queen Victoria when she became the Empress Of India in the year 1877. Currently, the diamond is set in the Crown of Queen Elizabeth and is on display at the Tower Of London.
What are the types of diamonds?
Everyone knows the types of diamonds. But if your knowledge of diamonds is so much that you know it is an expensive gem and anyone who cannot afford it, I recommend you to read this article to learn more about this precious stone.
Diamonds are generally of two types:
• New or first-hand diamond
• Recycled or second-hand diamonds
new diamond
A new or first-hand diamond does not need to be defined. This diamond is the same that is mined, cut and entered the market to reach you—customers from ordinary people and among the wealthy and wealthy of every society.
Recycled diamonds
Recycled or recycled diamonds are other types that, after initial use, are once again put into passenger cars and sold again. These diamonds are mined, processed, and then marketed and sold to customers before reusing. Recycled diamonds are often imported by customers who have a percentage of their diamond sales, those who need more money or have markets that can outbid others, auctions, inheritance or equal property division after a divorce and decide to sell them.
There is no difference between a new diamond and a recycled diamond. For this reason, the prices of both types are very close. Recycled diamonds are either polished and re-sold in their original shape or re-cut and re-cut to a desired shape. But, in this case, the carat weight is reduced, resulting in its value becoming less. Recycled diamonds are considered "green" and environmentally friendly in composition because they are one of the current natural resources on the planet that I can use continuously without harming the environment.
Fantasy diamond
Colored diamonds are graded according to their color instead of uncolored diamonds. The most common colored diamonds are sold in the market in yellow, brown (champagne and cognac), blue, green, and picture colors. Diamonds sold because of their different colors are called fancy diamonds, and sometimes they can even reach the price of white diamonds.
Color grading in fancy diamonds is as follows:
Dim (weak or faint)
Very light (very bright)
light (on)
Fantasy light (fantasy light)
Fantasy (fantasy)
Fancy Vivid, Fancy Deep or Fancy Dark
Black diamond
Like white diamonds, black diamonds are composed of pure carbon but have a different crystalline structure than their white counterparts. White diamond has a stable crystal structure that refracts light. Because of this, it gives the dazzling diamond brilliance.
Among the diamond colors, black diamond has a compact and compact crystal structure that causes it to absorb light. Therefore, black diamonds do not sparkle and shine like white diamonds. For this reason, they are generally not cut to be shiny.
Like colored diamonds, black diamonds are sold in the market as a fancy diamond called Carbonado. Black diamonds are also stones but are popular and desirable, like white diamonds or other colored diamonds.
What are the properties of diamonds?
Diamond, the birthstone of April, is a true healer. It cleanses the organs and strengthens the excretory system, including the bladder and kidneys. This precious stone prevents the formation of kidney stones, bladder and gall bladder stones and stimulates the thymus gland.
Diamond strengthens the brain, cerebellum, muscle system, nerves, and branches. It also plays an influential role in eliminating poisoning, relieving gout and strengthening the eyes.
Diamond is said to be very useful for purifying and cleaning thoughts and mentalities. This gem creates balance, independence and respect for human existence. It also controls the feeling of jealousy in a person and removes uncertainty about a friend or partner. It is better to use an uncut diamond stone for treatment, and after each use, it should be washed under water and placed under the sunlight for a short time (about 15 minutes).
Another property of diamond is that it is used to solve sexual problems. It has an extraordinary effect in improving skin, hair and nail diseases.
The properties of April's birthstone are strongly dependent on impurities. Even small amounts of impurities, such as nitrogen, can significantly change their properties. The two most elemental impurities in diamonds are nitrogen and boron. These two elements are the neighbors of carbon in the periodic table, and due to their small and proportional atomic radius, they are well replaced in the diamond crystal lattice.