All chess enthusiasts want to reach a level of chess skills that no one can beat. But it is important whether they have been trained in all the necessary skills and techniques or their claims are just words. In the following, you can learn the essentials and techniques required in the chess game.
Important tricks and techniques in the game of chess:
1- Expand your nuts as fast as possible
What is essential at the beginning of the chess game is to spread the pieces to the best possible place and capture the king's castle. The opening is complete when the expansion of the riders and the communication between the faces is established. If you finish opening your beads early, you will have the initiative. The principles that should be used to select moves at the beginning of the game are control of the center, immediate expansion of knights, coordination between knights and pawns, and taking the king's castle.
2- Move the horse before the elephant
If the pawns have not blocked the path, the elephant can control several houses initially, while the horse can only control the neighboring houses and has a long way to reach the center of the field and is less dynamic.
3- Avoid moving the pieces again at the beginning of the game and opening
You must place your pieces in the best possible square with one move. Moving the work again will cause a loss of opportunity and initiative.
4- During the opening, place the minister behind the line of insider pawns
While the minister's piece is powerful, it is also very vulnerable because it must respond to any threat and attack from the opponent's light riders by fleeing. For this reason, it is recommended to place the minister behind the pawns in the second frame so that communication between the sides is also possible while maintaining its safety.
5-Avoid unnecessary killing of the opponent's king
There is no need to kill the opponent's king that can be easily defended. There is no obstacle in cases where this movement is related to the selective opening.
6-Try to prevent the opponent from taking the castle
When the opponent is waiting for the rook to capture the king, try to keep his king in the center for longer. One of the most common ways is to control the houses the king must pass through to capture the castle. (usually f1 or f8 for the court of the king's wing) Most of the time, the sacrifice of a pawn is significant to keep the king in the center.
7- Avoid moving pawns unnecessarily
Only at the beginning of the game is the movement of the pawns done only to open the minister's bishop and elephant and to control the center. It is unnecessary except for these cases.
8- Avoid replacing an expanded bead with one that is not yet expanded
Non-professional players also know it is inappropriate to replace a piece with a good position with a bit in the wrong place. Replacing an expanded bead with a non-expanded dot causes a loss of time; finally, you should replace your expansion nut with one that has moved at least once.
9- Quickly take the king to the castle
The king's security should be considered at the beginning or middle of the game. The king in the center will be very vulnerable to the opponent's attacks, especially in open positions. Taking a castle means that the king is safely behind his pawn line, and one of the rooks is also extended and can quickly take control of a semi-open or fully open column.
10- The castle in the king's wing is more secure than the castle in the minister's wing
Taking a castle on the king's flank moves him further away from the center and behind his pawns. In addition, this castle is also available earlier than taking the court in the minister's wing. Also, the palace opposite the opponent's castle makes the opponent's attacks more powerful.
11- If you are behind your opponent in expanding the pieces, avoid opening the situation
The optimal open position is for a player who has expanded his pieces better and more. Therefore, the player with the advantage in the opening can open the game.
12- Control as much space as possible
A player who benefits from space superiority and has more space control has more dynamics for his pieces and has more mobility to transfer them to both sides. On the other hand, a player with less space at his disposal will be limited in maneuvering his pieces, and if necessary, he will need help defending his king.
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13- Move the pawns forward to gain more space
Although the pawns' advance leads to the opponent's restriction and the acquisition of space, this principle must also be carefully considered that it is more difficult to defend the advanced pawn. In addition, with the advance of each instrument, there are weak houses nearby that the opponent's knights may occupy.
14- It is more challenging to support and protect a pedestrian who has moved forward
You must pay attention to the fact that a weak pawn is not supported by another means, and it must be defended against the opponent's attack with the rider, and this causes the efficiency of this rider to decrease against the opponent's attack; it should take on a defensive nature.
15- Place the riders as close to the center as possible
Riders control more homes in the center than anywhere else. For example, the horse in the center controls eight houses, while it will control only two places in each corner. The control of the center is also significant because it enables the quick transfer of riders to the flanks and the rider who has more transfer power than the opponent rider. It has a higher chance of providing a successful attack.
16- Place the riders as close to the center as possible
Riders control more homes in the center than anywhere else. For example, the horse in the center controls eight houses, while it will control only two places in each corner. Control of the center is also significant because it enables the quick transfer of riders to the flanks. The rider with more transfer power than the opponent rider has a better chance of providing a successful attack.
17- Place your pawns in the center
Houses d5-d4-e5-e4 form the center of the board. The major expansion includes the f6-f3-c6-c3 squares. Pawns are the best pieces for the center structure because they are less vulnerable to the attack of the opponent's pawns than knights.
18- Before attacking, control the center
Before starting the attack on the flanks, ensure the strength and stability of the center because the success of the attack on the sides depends on the control of the center.
19- Pawns are considered the foundations of strategy
Pawn structure forms the basis of every situation, as pawns increase or decrease the effectiveness of knights. Any weakness in their system should be avoided to achieve a good pedestrian form. Defects such as isolated, doubled, lagging and hanging pawns.
20- The weakness of pawns will be permanent
Riders can move to a more active position, but any failure in the structure of the pawns is considered a long-term weakness. So if your opponent has weak instruments, you can take your time getting them.
21- Avoid doubling your pawns
Double pawns are pawns of the same color in a column and have less mobility and more vulnerability, especially when isolated. However, they only sometimes cause a lack of superiority because of mastering an open or semi-open column or more control. It is considered to be the center of compensation for this weakness.
22- The group of separate pawns is considered a weakness
A separate group of pawns with a distance of one column or more from other means is called a pawn island. Each group has a certain status and must be supported by riders. Therefore, the more these groups are, the more difficult it will be to keep them. Estimating the level of access and the impact on the structure of the sidewalks is helpful for replacement. At the end of the game, the number of these groups affects the superiority of each side.
23- A backward pawn is considered a weakness
A backward pawn is a pawn in its initial position and cannot advance because the opponent controls the square in front of it. A backward pawn blocks the communication of the defending knights, and the opposing knights occupy the house in front of it.
24-Avoid forming attack openings for the opponent and weak squares
You know that as each pawn advances, its side houses become an opening for the opponent. The opponent's riders quickly occupy this house and increase their influence because these houses are safe from the threat of foot attack and cannot be easily escaped. Try to be careful with these movements.
25- Prevent pedestrians from being isolated
An isolated pawn is a pawn that does not have a means of the same color in the columns next to it, and when it is attacked, it must be defended with a knight. The main weakness of these pawns is the house in front of them, which is used as an opening for the opponent's attack because this house cannot be controlled with one instrument, and it is quickly occupied by any opponent's knight. The vulnerability of isolated pawns increases in a semi-open column because they become clear targets for the opponent's flanks.