Dinnerware has a very long history; they have been with humans since the beginning of history and have experienced changes and transformations along with humans through different historical stages. Regarding the main use of dinnerware, naturally, there is no need to explain. Still, it is good to know these very interesting and attractive objects had other roles in different periods. They have been used as messengers of peace and friendship and diplomatic gifts, as decorative items, or even as part of precious treasures. Leaving aside these various historical uses of various eating utensils, what can be seen today is their remarkable diversity and variety. Apart from millions of designs and patterns, which adorn the icons of catering dishes, today, various types of dinnerware with different materials and types are available to customers. This diversity and multiplicity of types and materials of dining services are what we intend to address in the following note. Stay with the sanctified Chinese industries until the end.
What are the types of dinnerware?
Dinnerware has always been with us, parallel to the vital role of nutrition and food in human life. With this proactive role, it is natural that they are available in different materials and types. In addition to the beauty of each dish's appearance and shape, the physical characteristics are effective in our judgment about the types of dining service. This means that as much as color and design can be effective in your decision to buy dinnerware, its material is also decisive.
As a customer, you may purchase different types of containers for different occasions.
Today, the manufacturers of catering containers continue to produce their products with various materials and provide them to customers. Each material used to produce containers has its properties, characteristics, and sometimes weaknesses. With these words, it is natural that each has its special target society. Although there is no limit to the materials used to produce stylish dishes, they often fall into one of the following categories.
• Chinese tableware
• Ceramic dinnerware
• Clay dinnerware
• Arcopal tableware
• Copper tableware
• Melamine tableware
• Steel tableware
• Wooden dinnerware
In the following, we will have a brief overview of the characteristics of each of the types of dinnerware mentioned above. So, if you want to get to know this type of dish, we suggest that you follow us along the way.
Read more: Secrets and Tips Before Buying Tableware.
All kinds of Chinese tableware
None of the different types of dinnerware is as popular as Chinese dinnerware, and none of the other dishes are present on our dining table as much as chinaware. This class of containers, which are very durable and attractive, has a long life. Meanwhile, their appearance is attractive, charming, and completely eye-catching in itself, provided that they have the necessary quality! The important thing about all kinds of Chinese tableware is their high durability and resistance and low thickness. In other words, the dishes in this category have good resistance without being rough and thick. With this material, you can easily create different designs and shapes, making their use widespread. This may be why they have become a permanent fixture on the table of Iranians.
All kinds of Chinese dinnerware with different designs and roles are the undisputed ruler of this market, At least in terms of circulation and number of sales!
Another issue that should be mentioned about porcelain dishes is their affordability and reasonable price. From the simplest dishes without any special patterns to the most special and classic dishes suitable for formal and high-level parties, you can produce different dishes for special occasions or everyday life using china. It is enough to add a line of silver, gold, or platinum to the border around them so that the most demanding guests will enchant even the most formal gatherings!
All kinds of ceramic dinnerware
Customers may need to learn the exact difference between ceramic and porcelain tableware, which is completely normal. Because these two types of material are similar in appearance and in the not-so-distant past, sometimes even by some amateur sellers, they were mistakenly offered to customers instead of each other. So, as a prerequisite for knowing the types of ceramic dinnerware, it is okay to know the difference between them and Chinese products. Ceramic dishes are generally thicker; even if they are produced with the same thickness as Chinese products, they do not have the necessary resistance. This is even though their appearance is more matte than porcelain, and they usually have less transparency and shine. Of course, we should remember that the manufacturers of high-quality ceramic dishes usually compensate for this difference by using high-quality glaze. All types of ceramic dishes are more suitable for everyday use. But this does not mean that special and high-quality models cannot be used in official parties.
All kinds of clay dinnerware
The use of clay dishes may not be as widespread as porcelain or ceramic dishes, but they still have their customers. Usually, this type of tableware has the lowest price compared to other types. They have a very reasonable price while having a special beauty and appearance. Of course, against this low price, it must be accepted that they have significant disadvantages. In any case, this generation of dishes has lost its influence and universality in human societies over time, which is not accidental. For example, they are heavy, thick, and prone to crushing. This is despite the fact that even with the smallest error in coating and glazing, they may show serious weakness against excessive moisture and face serious damage. The material of pottery is such that with a proper cover and in raw form, it will be strong in contact with water.
After centuries, earthenware still retains its charms, but in any case, using them contains an attractive feeling and a special feeling; for this reason, all kinds of high-quality earthenware still have their own fans. The special feeling received from this type of dish is reminiscent of a rustic or old atmosphere and appearance, which has greatly contributed to their attractiveness.
All kinds of copper tableware
For a long time, the use of copper tableware in Iran was obsolete among most of the society. But recently, along with a wave of returning to traditional goods, the use of all kinds of copper tableware has also seen a significant boom. Although this issue is a matter of doubt and further investigation, most people believe that cooking and consuming food in these containers has many benefits and properties and helps the health of the food and the body. Whether such a hypothesis is true or false, the use of copper dinnerware has a long history, and it is unlikely that the older generations did not experience eating it at least a few times. Even today, it is a traditional symbol on the dining table, and at various parties, they are the basis for creating special visual beauties. However, it should be accepted that using various types of copper dinnerware is less widespread than it should be and is mostly in decorative dishes.
Today, copper dishes are placed in decorations and decorative sets rather than used on the dining table.
All kinds of steel tableware
Steel tableware has the same status as copper tableware. Their use is more focused on the past; nowadays, their presence at the dining table could be more normal. Undoubtedly, using steel to construct various dining services has its advantages. But the form and manner of these benefits are such that they are used in the kitchen and during the food preparation process rather than being included in the list of tableware. Of course, in some countries and cultures, steel dinnerware still enjoys a high status and symbolizes formality, prestige, and pride.
Steel dishes are not so common and widespread, but they are still an exciting choice!
All kinds of wooden dinnerware
The use of wood to produce all kinds of dining services is less normal and common than other materials on the list; however, wooden tableware has its fans and enthusiasts. This selected dish category is too special and distinctive to complete the dining table or reception dishes. Their use should be done carefully and sensibly because they may easily show repulsion and distort the overall image of the table and your reception process. In addition, another very important issue that should be mentioned is the need to adhere to strict standards in producing this type of container. The best type of wood should be used for this purpose, and the wooden dinnerware should be cut and polished in the best possible way. Otherwise, the final product will need to improve, even in health.
As you can see, today, around eight or ten different types of materials are used in the production of different types of dinnerware. Some of them, such as wooden dinnerware, have lower popularity and influence; others, such as porcelain and ceramic dishes, are very popular and widespread. However, behind each material and product's success, some special features and tangible advantages attract customers. The important thing is that, in addition to understanding the positive points, in choosing and buying all kinds of dishes, whether domestic or foreign, we should see the advantages and disadvantages in one frame and make a balanced and logical decision. Finally, it should be emphasized that each type of dining service, regardless of its gender, is attractive, effective, and an ideal choice for your dining table only if it is produced with high quality. So, despite the interest in each category, one should pay attention to the necessity of choosing a suitable and reliable product.